miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Contracts at Doñana Biological Station within ECOPOTENTIAL project

The Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) is participating in H2020 RIA project ECOPOTENTIAL. Within this framework we are looking for two candidates for two-year contracts starting in 2016.


Project Summary:

Terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide essential services to human societies. Anthropogenic pressure, however, causes serious threat to ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation, “novel ecosystems” and increased risk of collapse, with related loss of ecosystem services. Knowledge-based conservation, management and restoration policies are needed, in order to improve ecosystem benefits in face of increasing pressures. ECOPOTENTIAL will make significant progress beyond the current state-of-the-art and create a new unified framework for ecosystem studies and management of protected areas (PA). ECOPOTENTIAL will focus on internationally recognized PAs in Europe and beyond; most PAs are UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites, Biosphere Reserves, national parks and Natura 2000 sites. LTER sites and Large Marine Ecosystems are included. Best use of Earth Observation (EO) and monitoring data will be made possible by new EO ecosystem data services (ECOpernicus). New modelling approaches able to include information from EO data will be developed, ecosystem services in current and future conditions will be assessed, and the requirements of future protected areas will be defined. Open and interoperable access to data and knowledge will be assured by a GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory Platform, fully integrated in GEOSS. Support to transparent and knowledge-based conservation and management policies, able to include information from EO data, will be given. Knowledge gained in the PAs will be upscaled to pan-European conditions and used for planning and management of future PAs. A permanent stakeholder consultancy group (GEO Ecosystem Community of Practice) will be created. Capacity building will be pursued at all levels. SMEs will be involved to create expertise leading to new job opportunities, ensuring commercial uptake and long-term continuation of services. In summary, ECOPOTENTIAL will use the most advanced technologies to improve future ecosystem benefits for humankind.

More information on ECOPOTENTIAL can be found in the project webpage:


Candidate 1: Will work in Workpackages (WP) 4 "Earth Observation Data Quality & Services" and 6 "Ecosystem Modelling and Scenarios" coordinating Doñana Biological Station contribution to these workpackages.

The main aim of this position: To analyse temporal dynamics of wetlands in Doñana National Park using historical remote sensing data sets (Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel) and potentially in other PAs with similar wetlands (Camarge, Danube Delta) and build predictive models of ecosystem functions and services.

Expertise: The desired candidate should have experience in some or all of the following areas: Analysis of remote sensing data, especially satellite time-series. Remote sensing software. Time series statistical analysis. Statistical models in ecology. Species distribution models (Generalized Linear Models, Generalized Additive Models, Regression Trees, Neural Networks, Maximum Entropy Models). Computer programming.

Candidate 2: Will work in Workpackages (WP) 5 "In-situ monitoring data" and WP 11 "Policy development", coordinating Doñana Biological Station contribution to these workpackages.

The main aim of this position: To provide access to existing in-situ monitoring data for Doñana National Park to other members of the consortium. Coordinate ground-truthing of remote sensing derived land-use/land-cover maps, ecosystem function and ecosystem services model maps for Doñana wetlands. Organize the workshops defined within WP 11 with stakeholders for Doñana PA. The aim will be to define managers requirements and policy makers information needs for the conservation of Doñana National Park, enhance the use of EO and in-situ data in decision making, and show the potential of the specific modelling tools developed within ECOPOTENTIAL to park managers.

Expertise: The desired candidate should have experience in some or all of the following areas: Field sampling in ecology. Metadata of ecological datasets. Database management. Wetland ecology. Ecological modelling. Ecosystem services. Adaptive management and governance. Socio-ecosystems.

Both junior and senior post-doctoral candidates with a solid publication record related to the positions offered are encouraged to apply.

Starting date: January 2016 approx.
Salary: 35,000 € approx. per yr. before taxes


These positions have oficially been open as contracts:





This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641762

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